
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Mercy for Animals
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Episode summary: Humans have also caused a significant impact on animal species due to animal exploitation and abuse. In addition to ethical concerns, animal species have a significant impact on the environment and ecosystems. One of the areas that are affecting human directly is how we interact with our farm animals. In this episode, we explore animal welfare on the farm with AJ Albrecht.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Farmers Need Support [10:00]
- Chicken Farms [15:55]
- Meat Packers [19:29]
- Vegan [22:00]
- Meat Production [25:00]
- How We Got Here [26:30]
- Factory Farming [28:00]
- How to Stop [31:00]
- Transfarmation [38:00]
- China [39:58]
- EATS Act [43:36]
- Reduce [47:00]
Quote: “Eat with your wallet.”
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.

Monday Apr 10, 2023
Climate Change
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Episode summary: The climate on the planet is noticeably changing. Are we heading for doomsday sooner than we thought or is there another side of the story? In this episode we examine the concept of climate change and look at it from a different perspective than the usual end of the world version.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Is Climate Change Real? [7:16]
- Climate Apocalypse [7:25]
- Ten Years to Doomsday [11:29]
- Science [13:19]
- Climate Overwhelm [23:33]
- Extreme Solutions [29:15]
- Covid [31:38]
- Consumption Problem [37:47]
- Companies and Emissions [40:51]
- Climate Panic [47:04]
“If you really don't like it, quit using their stuff. You know, just evolve today. Quit using their stuff. We have so much power as individuals, the markets speak so clearly and so directly. If we don't want something, it goes away. And so if companies are bad polluters and they have a bad public record on sustainability, stop using their stuff.”
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Human Trafficking
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Episode summary: According to the International Labor Organization modern slavery occurs in every region of the world and is most prevalent in Africa followed by Asia, and Europe. Around the world, there are an estimated 49.6 million victims trapped in modern-day slavery, including 27.6 million in forced labor and 22 million in forced marriage. 75% are aged 18 or older, while the number of trafficked children under the age of 18 is estimated at 25%. 71% of trafficking victims around the world are women and girls and 29% are men and boys. In this episode we take an intimate look what trafficking looks like and how we can miss it when it is right in front of our eyes.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Human trafficking
- How is human trafficking different from migrant smuggling
- How are victims selected
- What are the most common forms of human trafficking
- What are the signs of human trafficking
- What do most people do not know about human trafficking victims
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds
contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
What is Feminism?
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Episode summary: In this episode we learn about what feminism is from one of the leading magazines on women’s issues Lilith Magazine. We dive into the stories of how women across cultural lines deal and interact with different life defining situations.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Judaism
- Women and Rights
- Lilith Magazine
- Women’s Place in World
- What is Feminism
- Cross -Cultural Stories of Jewish Women
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds
contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.

Friday Feb 10, 2023
The 4th Stakeholder
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Episode summary: The year 2020 sped up the growing need for a revolution in how we work in society. Technology makes it easier to work anywhere in the world and According to Global Workplace Analytics, the number of people who work from home has risen by 159% since 2009. Technology continues to drive and bring society closer together, and it is predicted that by 2028 73% of all teams will include remote employees.
With such significant shifts in the way we work taking place in the next six years, the role of leadership becomes crucial to review. It is becoming clear to companies that they must start preparing now, and the people in leadership positions will need to adjust to sustain success for their organizations.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Human 2.0
- The Stakeholders
- Holistic Companies
- Why Care?
- Leadership
- How to Recruit
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Becoming a Changemaker
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Episode summary: In a world that is in chaos the need for hope has never been felt so strong. Everyday people are grabbing their superhero capes to help save the world by creating non-profits, volunteering, and protesting. The world needs help and people are searching for how to do it. In this episode we explore the need and steps to be a changemaker in today's world.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Changes in Racism [6:05]
- See Things Through Others Eyes [16:01]
- Biggest Wound [22:54]
- Becoming Changemaker [30:46]
- Our Ancestors [35:17]
- Faith and Changemaking [40:28]
- Organization in Future [41:23]
- Spiritual Warfare [43:21]
- Anti-Oppressive Community [47:02]
- What Decade is Teaching Us [57:09]
“Here are the ways to ensure that the people impacted by injustice are at the center of your justice work. There are solid models that are made for regular people, not people with fancy degrees, not people with tons of power and privilege that can be replicated easily. For me, it's about listening to the people around you, getting a sense of what they care about, and getting together using some of the models that already exist in the world, like asset-based community development and community organizing strategy of one-to-one and small group conversations.”
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Rebels, despots, and Saints, the Ancestors Who Free Us and the Ancestors We Need to Free
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Building Community
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Episode summary: After years of isolation people are starting to crave community like never before, call it our human instinct, call it our humanity, we need each other. In this episode we explore the need for coming together in our lives and examining how we have lost the connection between each other. We go back to the basic with learning how to be a neighbor with the help of Happy Community Project and Happy Community Builders.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Happy Community Project [29:02]
- Keys to Community [39:16]
- Communities 30 Years Ago [10:29]
- Creating Community [6:29]
- Biggest Lessons [45:18]
- Best Story [36:08]
- Future Generations [27:15]
- Families These Days [18:38]
- Purposes of Community [24:13]
“I learned that it doesn't matter where the community is in the world; we're all dealing with the same issues. We're all dealing with the same problems and trying to make our communities the same kind of communities; connected, caring, and providing a sense of belonging.”
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Brilliant Detroit- Organization of the Year
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Brilliant Detroit is leading the way to a rebirth of education even before the pandemic. It is an organization dedicated to building kids' success in families and neighborhoods where families with children from 0-8 have what they need to be school ready, healthy, and stable. The organization provides proven programming and support year-round out of Brilliant Detroit homes in high-need neighborhoods. The organization is revolutionizing what it means to be a community and changing how families participate in their children's education.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Properties [5:03]
- Gentrification of Detroit [8:21]
- Organizational Impact [14:29]
- Covid [20:38]
- Modeling Education for the Future [26:32]
- Parents Role in Organization [30:26]
- Key to Success [34:11]
- Barriers [37:52]
- Organization in Future [41:23]
- How to Help the Organization [43:55]
- Favorite Story [46:12]
- It Takes a Village [48:56]
“It takes a village to create love and safety.”
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Giving Tuesday - I Support The Girls
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Over 22 million women in the United States and millions abroad cannot afford or lack access to menstrual hygiene products making functioning during menstruation difficult. During this last year, headlines about a tampon shortage started appearing in early summer 2022, when The Wall Street Journal reported that 7% of tampons were out of stock nationwide. Across the U.S., shoppers looking for their preferred brand, or any brand at all, were greeted with empty store shelves. Along with shortages, prices of pads and tampons have risen along with the cost of everything else, making it expensive to have a period. In this episode we host this vital conversation with our Giving Tuesday organization I Support The Girls.
Topics discussed in this episode:
-War in Ukraine [7:33]
-Essential Needs for Women [10:42]
-The Covid Effect [13:16]
-Period Poverty [17:28]
-Women’s Value in Society [20:47]
-Diverse Groups of Women [28:15]
- Best Story [37:07]
“There's always these like women in red Lacey bras and they look so happy. I think it would be fun to feel sexy and have that happiness too. Nobody has to know it's there because it's underneath all of my layers of shirts and sweatshirts and hoodies and scarfs and jackets. But I'll know it's there close to my heart, so it'll make me feel good.”
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Attn: Dana Marlowe
P.O. Box 2736
Wheaton, Maryland 20915
Or you wish to donate at a location please go to https://isupportthegirls.org/get-involved/product-donations/ for additional details.
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Finding Love in Crisis
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
As a global society, we have various definitions and ways we think of love, from kissing in the rain to flowers delivered at the door, to the birth of a child, marriage, and taking care of sick family members. In this episode we explore what love really looks like.
Topics discussed in this episode:
-What is Love [2:38]
-Finding Help in a Crisis [5:12]
-Society and Support [10:42]
-Number One Thing Not to Say [18:37]
-What People Need [27:25]
-Correct Way to Grieve [30:59]
- Best Kind Act [43:39]
-Lesson About Love [54:04]
“Oh, that it's always there. It's always there. Even in moments when I don't feel loved. The love is always there.”
Resources mentioned in this episode:
100 Acts of Love A Girlfriend’s Guide to Loving Your Friend Through Cancer or Loss
6.5 million deaths due to Covid-19
Connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Project Good Work Blog to read the article version of the interview.
- If you have a passion for an unserved community, a social justice problem or want to change minds contact Project Good Work at www.ProjectGood.Work to start your project of change today.